Well, I too jumped into the JavaFX bandwagon. Since I have good exposure to Swing, naturally I got excited by the new Rich Client Platform offering from Sun.
Most of of the examples using JavaFX available in Internet are demonstrating the graphic and animation capabilities of JavaFX and very few concentrates on Enterprise application needs. Yes I understand that one of the objective of JavaFX is to compete with other RIA/RCP offerings and the enterprise data centric application needs are already taken care of by Java Swing and web technologies.
Since my experience is mainly in developing data centric applications in enterprise world, I thought of creating a sample CRUD application that would use components from both JavaFX and Swing, former being the runtime and having major presence.
http://www.learntechnology.net/ has nice set of sample applications using most of the commonly used technology/frameworks and all of them are based on the same data model (Employee-Department). I liked the idea behind this site and decided to develop my JavaFX example using the same model, infact it uses the data layer from one of the samples there and make contribution.
Please find the lesson and source at http://www.learntechnology.net/content/javafx/javafx.jsp
Click the button to start the above example using Java Webstart:
Hi Vijesh,
thanks for real world app.
As Newbie (Java/JavaFX) I have problems to integrate your sample code in my learning-application.
Is source code available for newbies...?
Cheers Dieter
Hello Vijesh,
I'm a newbie in javaFX too.
thank for your example.
but I have the same problem as Dieter
I can not integrate the code.
Could u show all of source code?
thanks. :)
Though it's already provided in the blog, let me put it here too.
The source is uploaded with the complete article.
thank you very much.
I found it.
"javafx-emp-crud.zip NetBeans project."
Hi Vijesh,
I am new to JavaFX and tried to set-up your example. But while compiling I am getting the error.
Please help. It is very confusing me. Thanks a lot in advance.
The error is
D:/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/javafx-emp-crud/src/net/learntechnology/javafxempcrud/client/TableHelper.java:78: method does not override a method from its superclass
D:/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/javafx-emp-crud/src/net/learntechnology/javafxempcrud/client/TableHelper.java:82: method does not override a method from its superclass
D:/My Documents/NetBeansProjects/javafx-emp-crud/src/net/learntechnology/javafxempcrud/client/TableHelper.java:86: method does not override a method from its superclass
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
3 errors
ERROR: javac execution failed, exit code: 1
D:\My Documents\NetBeansProjects\javafx-emp-crud\nbproject\build-impl.xml:143: exec returned: -1
BUILD FAILED (total time: 6 seconds)
Please help.
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